Raw Power Parent

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Party of 4: talking with Father, Jesus, and Sacred Breath Spirit

One of today's discoveries walking in the cool of the day with Them: motherhood is irreversible. 

The culture attempts to prevent it or, once released and activated, suffocate, push down, and bury it because motherhood ignites raw power unleashing fierce enforcement  of what is right and just and good for her children (I'm sure the same is true for men and fatherhood); yet, the culture cannot completely destroy motherhood so long as the woman lives. She may agree to suppress it, but to continually do so will require suppeession of her very humanity. This is what I think is meant by selling your soul. 

Just as Father is an eternal attribute of our Creator, so it is with humans. Once ignited, a person can no more divorce herself from the mother aspect of her being than she can remove her own soul. That mother heart is, at heart, a protector full of unimagined and unforeseen willingness to suffer for her young. She will easily forsake her career, her aspirations, even her life when the child's life is in question.

To overcome the cry of her mama heart she must cut off oxygen from the parts of herself which do not fit a mold of self-centeredness, a mold for which she is not designed and has not the capacity. That is, her self-main pursuit is, by nature, self-defeating. 

This applies in various nuances to us all who've been raised in "modern" Western culture and its confusion, but it certainly does not speak comprehensively to all or even most women in the West. Many of us have "missed it" one way or another,  prioriotizing careers or accepting a misinformed - and flat wrong - conception of freedom, our born and aborted children suffering the consequences, but God has been gracious to preserve us and, though a generation was almost lost to us and given to a system that wants only to consume them (ie control them in every way possible and reap from their seed), God in Their mercy and grace is resurrecting us all, recovering this generation to sanity and restoring health and vitality to the family unit, which is central to that of society. 

This issue of squelching out motherhood to sustain self-pursuits helps me a little bit understand how women -- mothers -- have risen in the ranks of government and politics on a ticket that stands on child sacrifice...

...killing unborn babies as if we could prevent motherhood from "stealing our destiny", not realizing that motherhood is part of our BECOMING. 

Make no mistake: all of our destined "doings" issue from being...according to the Truth of our being.

Even if you do not have biological children, there are sons and daughters everywhere for you to love and mother in more ways than one. 

Oh Father, we agree with heaven and with each other for the restoration of mothers, motherhood, womanhood, sisterhood, and family in our nation and in all nations everywhere where your people have turned and are turning to you. In repentance and rest we are saved; in quietness and trust, made strong (Isa 30:15).
