MetaMask Chrome Extension - Precautionary steps and new features

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It is quite possible that a scam might happen even after the MetaMask Chrome Extension assures you its safety measures. Because everything that is present online cannot be secured fully.

The risk of getting scammed is increasing day by day. A user can get scammed easily just by the simple mistake of clicking open any link. Thus it is always recommended that one should think before performing any action online. Each and every wrong action will have its own consequences. And the action of making a mistake in this crypto world will result in your account getting hacked.

In this blog, we will tell you about what steps a user can undertake if they have been scammed. And how they can enable the newly introduced feature that will help them from not falling into a scam.

Steps to perform in case of a scam

It is quite possible that a scam might happen even after the MetaMask Chrome Extension assures you its safety measures. Because everything that is present online cannot be secured fully. There is always a loophole present. The Scam might be in the form of any text message that you receive and the message is asking you to update the MetaMask Chrome extension by using the given link. And you may do it without giving it a thought. Once you have opened their link, they will get access to all of your mobile data. In that situation, no need to get panicked. Take the precautionary steps that we have guided below:

  • The first and foremost step should be to transfer all the available funds of your account to any other place.
  • Once the funds have been transferred successfully, your next step should be to get in touch with the MetaMask support team and provide them with all the details of the scam.
  • You can also inform the Cybercrime authority and ask them to take action as soon as possible.

But do remember that the MetaMask is not responsible for retrieving your funds back. The transaction, once completed, cannot be rectified even in case of fraud, so remember that MetaMask is not responsible for retrieving your funds back. Hence, it is the responsibility of the user to not fall into every trap of the scammer. Therefore, the user will have to undertake all the precautionary steps that could be taken.

What is the MetaMask Automatic Security Check?

If you are a new user, then you must have not heard about this term. And even if you are not a new user, it is a chance that you probably still dont know about this functionality. Everyone should have enabled this helpful feature. With this feature, you will get regular notifications whenever the platform will launch a new update. It will help you if you have any issues with the MetaMask Chrome extension not showing any of your account details because you were not using the new version of the MetaMask browser extension. Now you must be wondering that if its work is to inform us about the updates, then why is it called the Automatic Security Check? Well, it is because this feature also checks for any security-related bugs present and also informs you about them.

Summing it Up

We hope that after going through our blog you understood the importance of undertaking the safety measures. You can not entirely blame the platform if you got scammed. MetaMask Chrome Extension will not be considered at fault because the user got scammed because of his own decision. MetaMask can only help you find out the person behind the scam and nothing else. You will not get your funds back once it has been gone in the scam. If you require any further details about the topic then you can check out their website and get all the details.
