This Toshiba air fryer broccoli It is very quick and easy to prepare. If you want to make a very healthy dish in a few minutes, perfect for side dishes, we recommend reading this simple recipe.
Oil-free broccoli fryer ingredients
Just by using these ingredients, you can cook broccoli in aToshiba air frye
Large broccoli (1)
Olive oil (15 ml)
Garlic powder (3 g)
Salt (3 g)
Black pepper (1 g)
How to make Toshiba air fryer broccoli
Time required: 15 Minutos.
It takes less than 5 minutes to complete the preparation, compared to 10 minutes in the fryer without refueling
1. Preheat the air fryer to 150C.
Cut the broccoli into small trees or florets.
3. Add olive oil, garlic powder, salt and black pepper to the bowl.
Now add the broccoli and mix all the pieces evenly with the seasoning oil.
5. Put in the air fryer at 150 degrees for 10 minutes.
Serve as a vegetable or condiment to the central dish.
Freeze broccoli in an oil-free air fryer
If you bought frozen broccoli for an air fryer, here's how to cook it in our simple way: