How to Wash Towels So They Stay Fluffy and Absorbent

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I know this sounds dumb. I mean, what is there to be correct about? You just stock a pile of towels and throw them in the washing machine.

I know this sounds dumb. I mean, what is there to be correct about? You just stock a pile of towels and throw them in the washing machine.

After a pre-set time, you take them out, dry them (if necessary) and reuse them. Simple as it sounds!

Well, if you want the towels to be durable and fresh as new every time you use them (even after several washes), then there is a “correct” way to wash towels.

But before you continue to learn the steps to getting clean and fresh towels after every wash, you need to know the right time to wash them.

It is of the utmost importance to wash and dry bath towels before you use them for the first time. Most of the towels that we buy from stores have silicones adhered to them, which block the ability to absorb.

Manufacturers use a coating of silicone to make them look extra fluffy and have a store-like feel. Therefore, washing the towels before using them removes the excess silicone and promotes greater absorbency.

The next question you may ask is, “How often?”

Stop thinking about the frequency of washing, and wash your towel every time you feel like it’s necessary. On a standard note, it is advised that you wash towels every 3 to 4 days.

Now, with all these ideas in your head, the next important thing to know is how to wash the towels. Here you will find two ways to wash towels.

That is, through the washing machine or by hand. Take a look if you want to become a pro at cleaning towels!

Cleaning Towels in The Washing Machine

When you are washing a towel, wash it with other towels. If you wash it with other clothes, there is a high chance that the towel will turn into a static magnet.

You use towels to clean different sorts of things. Plus, there are varieties of towels; some are used for the bath and some for sanitary reasons.  All these towels carry different sorts of bacteria and germs.

Therefore, you should take some time and separate these before you throw your towels into the machine. Doing this will reduce the chances of the cross-contamination of dust and debris during the cleaning process.

Just think: you are mixing the bathroom towel with the kitchen cleaning towel.

The kitchen cleaning towel leaves oil and stickiness in the cleaning process and can get stuck to the bathroom towel. So, separate the towels before cleaning them in the washing machine.

It is also advised to separate towels by colour. For example, white towels should be washed completely separate from colored towels, to avoid any sort of discoloration.

Another advantage of separating towels is that damp towels take more time to try than clothes. Separate your loads to prevent problems later.

The temperature of the water matters when you are cleaning these dirty towels. Experts say that at 140 degrees Fahrenheit, most germs and microorganisms can be killed.

When you are washing towels in the washing machine, select hot or sanitize to ensure the proper cleaning of the cloth. You can also view NHS Discounts UK.

The type of detergent you are using is extremely important. If you are planning on using generic laundry detergent, this will result in the improper cleaning of your towels.

To achieve the best result, invest in detergents that are specifically designed for the towels. These sorts of detergents keep towels soft and plush.

However, keep the proportion of detergent small so that it gets rinsed completely and without any residue. For white towels, use non-chlorine bleach if necessary.

Just a small word of caution: Avoid using fabric softener, or any chemicals that make towels smell fresh.

Remember, this clogs the pores of towels, which attracts dust and debris. It also blocks the towel’s ability to absorb liquid. It hampers the purpose of using a towel.

However, if you want something extra, you can add 1/4th cup of white vinegar to the machine to set the colour of the towel and help remove any excess detergent residue.

When you are done cleaning, dry the towels on low to medium to kill any germs or bacteria that are left after washing.

Drying them fully is mandatory. Remember, even a slightly damp towel can quickly grow mildew. However, you should avoid over-drying, as it spoils the pattern of individual cotton fibres.

When you are taking the towels out of the machine, give them a good shake. This will enhance the absorbency by fluffing the terry loops. This also helps to prevent the towel from turning into a ball in the dryer.

Avoid ironing them with the highest heat as this fries the polyester in the towel. This leaves the towel feeling crusty, hard and stiff.

How to Hang Bathroom Towels on a Double Towel Rack

A double towel rack can be a great option for saving space in a smaller bathroom.

Allowing you to hang two or more towels at the same time and allowing them adequate space to dry can help keep your towels feeling nicer for longer too.

Knowing how to hang bathroom towels on a double towel rack is key to making the most of this feature.

Folding your towels and laying them out in the proper way can make your bathroom more aesthetically pleasing and functional too. Buyers also shop NHS Discounts.

How to Fold Towels

The first key to properly hanging bathroom towels on a double towel rack is folding them properly. An unfolded towel won't fit on your towel hanger, and crumpled towels look messy and unappealing.

You want your folded towels to be as evenly layered as possible to help them dry out more quickly and to keep them feeling fresh.

You can also try to fold the edges underneath to hide them and give your towels a more even appearance.

Larger towels can be folded into thirds. Keeping your "seam" at the back, you can then fold the towel across the middle.

This towel can be displayed with its ends at the back, which effectively hides all of the edges of your towel. The same method can be used for hand towels, but they may be more functional if left unfolded.

Hanging Towels on Double Racks

Double towel racks tend to come in three main sizes: 18, 24 and 30 inches. You should choose the rack that best fits the size of your bathroom and then work out the best method to hang your towels accordingly.

Racks that are 18 and 24 inches will only fit one bath towel per bar, while a 30-inch option can fit two bath towels with hand towels in the front.

It's generally a better idea to hang your larger towel on the back dowel of your double towel rack. This leaves the front dowel, which is more accessible, and free for your hand towels, which are in more frequent use.

Typically, two folded hand towels will be similar in length to one folded bath towel, meaning you will have space to display two hand towels in the front of your double towel rack.
