WoW Season of Discovery Gold Guide

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Gold is the primary currency in WoW, used for purchasing items, gear and mounts. Several professions also generate substantial profits through gathering and crafting. Farming for gold is a time-consuming process that requires tedious grinding. Buying wow Sod gold allows players to skip the

Gathering professions, such as Herbalism and Mining, provide steady income through resource collection. Crafting-related professions, such as Blacksmithing and Leatherworking, also prove lucrative. The Auction House is a useful resource when obtaining high-level materials. And questing remains one of the best WoW SoD gold-making methods.


Gold plays a key role in WoW Season of Discovery, enabling players to purchase high-end equipment, rare mounts, and other in-game resources. It also serves as an important currency for trading in the Auction House.

For those looking to make the most of their time in WoW SoD, this guide offers various gold farming methods for all types of characters. From gathering professions like Herbalism and Mining to crafting-related ones such as Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, and Alchemy.

Mining is a valuable profession for making gold, as it provides a steady stream of resources for players to sell. In particular, the classic ore mines of Duskwood vile wormgen are a favorite amongst players due to their high yield and rare drops.


Herbalism is a gathering profession that gathers various herbs, used as materials for Alchemy and many other crafting professions. Herbalism is a very profitable profession as most of the herbs can be sold as-is for pure profit.

Herbalists are able to use the spell Find Herbs, which shows nearby herb nodes on your minimap. This is very useful when you are farming lower level herbs as it can save you a lot of time. Herbalism has a skill cap of 225, except for Tauren who get the racial ability Cultivation which lets them reach 240. The best herb farming zones are Stonetalon Mountains, Wetlands, Ashenvale and Hillsbrad Foothills for Horde and Duskwood, Wetlands and Mageroyal for Alliance.


While crafting gear is a key element of making gold in WoW, potions and elixirs are also in high demand. By monitoring auction house trends and investing in the right recipes, you can become an entrepreneur in this virtual marketplace.

Optimize your craft by focusing on recipes that yield the highest profit margins. For example, Lesser Healing Potions and Elixirs of Minor Fortitude sell well on the AH, and they’re easy to craft when you have access to the appropriate materials. Use gathering add-ons like GatherMate2 and Routes to track resource nodes and maximize your efficiency.


Blacksmithing is an important profession for a lot of players as it can create some of the best gear for their characters and also sells well at the Auction House. Blacksmithing requires mining to level up and can be expensive if not done smartly.

The most efficient way to level blacksmithing is by making Fel Iron Ore which can be found in several zones. These can be sold at the Auction House for a decent amount of gold.

The rest of the materials can be bought from general vendors or the Auction House. Make sure to save Heavy Grinding Stones to sell later.


Leatherworking is a good profession for Rogue, Druid, and Shaman that focuses on creating armor items. This crafting discipline also makes useful gear like capes and quivers. It pairs well with Skinning because it provides reagents for crafted gear.

Leatherworkers can also create a variety of crafted gear such as weapons and potions that provide combat or utility bonuses. The end game recipes for this skill are very sought after as they are a great source of wow season of discovery gold for sale for players as they can be sold on the Auction House. There are three leatherworking specialties, Dragonscale Leatherworking, Elemental Leatherworking, and Tribal Leatherworking. Each of them require a different amount of materials and reagents to reach 300 level.


Whether you’re a seasoned rogue looking to maximize your wealth or a newcomer trying to navigate Azeroth’s economic landscape, gold is an essential component of the game. It’s used to purchase high-level gear, valuable resources, and in-game items.

Fishing is one of three secondary professions available in WoW Classic, and it’s a great way to earn gold. It’s also relaxing and requires minimal movement. Known for dropping linen and wool cloth, clams, and murloc scales (used in some alchemy recipes), it’s a good option for early SoD gold farming. However, it’s important to avoid using bots, which are banned by Blizzard.

