How can I fix Windows 10 error 0x8007003B?

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Windows 10 error 0x8007003B is a common issue faced by users while performing various tasks on their computers. This error can occur due to various reasons, ranging from network connection issues to corrupted system files.

Windows 10 error 0x8007003B is a common issue faced by users while performing various tasks on their computers. This error can occur due to various reasons, ranging from network connection issues to corrupted system files. In this guide, we will explore the causes of this error and provide effective solutions to fix it.

Common Causes of Error 0x8007003B:

  • Network Connection Issues: One of the primary reasons for encountering error 0x8007003B is network connectivity problems. This error may occur when transferring files over a network, especially if there are interruptions or instability in the connection.

  • Corrupted System Files: Corrupted or damaged system files can also trigger error 0x8007003B. This can happen due to malware infections, abrupt system shutdowns, or improper software installations.

  • Third-Party Software Interference: Certain third-party applications, particularly antivirus programs or firewalls, may interfere with the normal operation of Windows and cause error 0x8007003B.

Troubleshooting Methods:

  • Restart Your Computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary glitches and errors. Restart your computer and check if the error persists.

  • Check Network Connection: Ensure that your internet connection is stable and properly configured. Try connecting to a different network or resetting your router if necessary.

  • Run Windows Troubleshooter: Windows includes built-in troubleshooters that can automatically detect and fix common problems. Run the Network troubleshooter to diagnose and resolve network-related issues.

  • Disable Antivirus and Firewall Temporarily: Temporarily disable your antivirus software and firewall to rule out any conflicts causing the error. Remember to enable them after troubleshooting.

  • Update Device Drivers: Outdated or incompatible device drivers can cause various errors, including error 0x8007003B. Update your drivers to the latest version using Device Manager or third-party software.

  • Use System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Image Service and Management Tool (DISM): Run the SFC and DISM tools to scan and repair corrupted system files. Open Command Prompt as administrator and execute the commands "sfc /scannow" and "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth".

  • Perform a Clean Boot: Perform a clean boot to start Windows with minimal startup programs and services. This can help identify if a third-party application is causing the error.

Advanced Solutions:

  • Reset Windows Update Components: Resetting Windows Update components can help fix issues related to Windows Update, which may indirectly resolve error 0x8007003B. Open Command Prompt as administrator and execute the commands provided by Microsoft.

  • Perform System Restore: If the error started occurring after a recent system change or update, performing a System Restore to revert your system to a previous state can help resolve the issue.

  • Reinstall Windows 10: If all else fails, you may need to reinstall Windows 10 to fix error 0x8007003B. Ensure you back up your important files before proceeding with this solution.


In conclusion, error 0x8007003B in Windows 10 can be frustrating but is usually fixable with the right troubleshooting methods. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively diagnose and resolve this error, restoring your system's functionality.


  1. What is Windows 10 error 0x8007003B?

    • Error 0x8007003B is a common Windows 10 error that typically occurs when transferring files over a network.
  2. How do I fix error 0x8007003B when transferring files?

    • You can fix error 0x8007003B by ensuring a stable network connection, running Windows troubleshooters, updating device drivers, and performing system maintenance tasks.
  3. Why does error 0x8007003B occur?

    • Error 0x8007003B can occur due to network connection issues, corrupted system files, or interference from third-party software.
  4. Is it safe to disable antivirus and firewall temporarily to fix the error?

    • Temporarily disabling antivirus and firewall software can help troubleshoot error 0x8007003B, but remember to enable them afterward to ensure the security of your system.
  5. When should I consider reinstalling Windows 10 to fix the error?

    • Reinstalling Windows 10 should be considered as a last resort if other troubleshooting methods fail to resolve error 0x8007003B.