MetaMask Wallet And Way To Protect It

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The MetaMask wallet came into the race in 2016 by a blockchain company named ConsenSys. This is a non-custodial wallet and provides users with full control over their assets and private keys.

Crypto wallets are one of the important factors when you are going to start your investment journey because it helps you to invest your money safely and securely. As a matter of funds, we should check all the aspects of a wallet before starting to use it. If you are using any random wallet without knowing it can cause problems for your assets. 

Today we will take a look at the MetaMask wallet which offers industry-standard security features. Currently, more than 30 million people are using this wallet which shows its popularity among users. The wallet offers transparent and honest service to the users which makes it trustworthy for investment. In the coming blog, will discuss different aspects of this wallet. So stay around to learn about a trustworthy wallet.

About the MetaMask Wallet

The MetaMask wallet came into the race in 2016 by a blockchain company named ConsenSys. This is a non-custodial wallet and provides users with full control over their assets and private keys. Also, wallets allow users to connect their browser to the Ethereum blockchain for selling and buying NFT and Ethereum. The best thing about MetaMask is it doesn’t take any account maintenance charges which makes it profitable for users. 

Apart from this, MetaMask offers a mobile application for both Android and iOS users that helps its users manage their assets on the go. It is available free to use but takes charges when you transfer your crypt to another wallet. On the other hand, it only supports the Ethereum network and could be an ideal choice for the ERC-20 tokens. 

How to Protect MetaMask Wallet?

The primary purpose of a cryptocurrency wallet is to provide a safe secure environment and protect digital assets from potential online threats. We have briefly discussed some of the tips and tricks to make your MetaMask wallet hack-proof. 

  • Use Separate Browser – If you use a separate browser that can help you to create a separation between the wallet activities and your browser activities. This can help you maximize your wallet security. 
  • Don’t Use Public WIFI – keep it in mind never to use public WIFI or shared computer, this can cause trouble for your digital assets and your data. 
  • Write Down your Recovery Phrase – Do not keep your secret phrase online or take screenshots on your mobile phone. Always write down your phrase and do not share it with anyone. 
  • Don’t keep your MetaMask Unlocked – If you are not using your MetaMask, keep it locked because if you leave it unlocked website can access all the information of your wallet.
  • Use Strong Password – Always use a strong password by the number of letter combinations. Your password length should be more than 8 to 12 alphanumeric including numbers and alphabet. 
  • Clean your browser Cache – From time to time clean your browser cache to avoid any potential threat or issue while using your wallet. 

This is how you can easily protect your wallet by following the above tips and tricks. 


Overall MetaMask wallet is considered one of the safest wallets in terms of investment. Its user-friendly interface allows users to familiarize themselves with the platform and its navigation process. The wallet supports Ethereum and ERC-20 and its transparent service prevents a single entity from holding control of the entire wallet. 

On the other hand, it also offers mobile apps that allow users to enjoy their trading journey on the go. This wallet could be an ideal choice for those who value security and features. 
