7 Simple Secrets to Totally Rocking Your Blood Balance

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7 Simple Secrets to Totally Rocking Your Blood Balance

Blood Balance    The haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) give rise to all mature blood cells through the process of haematopoiesis. This rare cell population also maintains the balance of blood cells in response to stress, by fluctuating between quiescent and actively cycling states depending on physiological conditions. Transplantation of HSCs is an effective treatment for cancers, such as lymphoma and leukaemia, as well as for autoimmune diseases and other blood-related conditions1. But despite much information about the function and clinical relevance of HSCs, little is known about the energetics and metabolic control of HSC dynamics. Three papers2,3,4 in this issue describe a role for the protein Lkb1 in the metabolic regulation of HSCs.





