Draw An Octopus

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There are many weird and wonderful animals on our planet. Some almost look as if they could be aliens on Earth, and that’s certainly the case with the octopus

How to Draw An Octopus – A Step-by-Step Guide

There are many weird and wonderful animals on our planet. Some almost look as if they could be aliens on Earth, and that’s certainly the case with the octopus! These incredible creatures look like they belong on a different planet than ours, and there are many different varieties of octopuses to further add to the unique looks they have. Because they are so unusual looking, they have become quite popular and have people wanting to learn how to draw an octopus.

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Step 1: Draw An Octopus

We will be starting this guide on how to draw an octopus by drawing a big, round head for the octopus.
To do this, you can draw a curved, rounded line for the top of the head as you can see in the reference image.
As you can also see, there should be a large gap at the bottom as we will be adding some tentacles there very soon.

Step 2: Next, draw some tentacles

One of the most notable aspects of an octopus is the tentacles it has, so we shall start drawing some in for the next few steps of your octopus drawing. We will be drawing two tentacles on the left-hand side of the octopus for now. You can draw these using some curvy lines connecting to the bottom of the head. Tentacles can move in all sorts of different directions so don’t be afraid to change up their positioning of them or make them even more bendy and twisty!

Step 3: Now, draw in the facial details

You’ve drawn two tentacles now, so you shouldn’t have any issues with adding more in the next few steps of this guide on how to draw an octopus! For this third step, we shall be adding two more connecting to the ones from the previous step.
You can make them look like the other ones, and again you could always change up the positioning of them if you prefer.

Step 4: Next, draw two more tentacles

You know what to do for this part! For this step of your octopus drawing, simply add two more tentacles as you’ve already been doing. Just be sure to leave a small gap between the last tentacle and the right-hand side of the head, as we will fill that in for the next step.

Step 5: Now, add the final tentacle

There’s only one more tentacle to go in this guide on how to draw an octopus! You can draw this final tentacle into the space that we left on the right-hand side of the head. With this tentacle drawn, there shouldn’t be any spaces left between the tentacles and the head. Now all the tentacles are drawn, and we will move on to some different elements in the next step.

Step 6: Next, draw a face for your octopus

We’ve been drawing a lot of tentacles in the previous few steps, so we shall move on to the face for a change of pace now!
The face is quite simple and made up of some fairly basic shapes. You can use two ovals for the eyes, and then use two smaller ovals inside each one for the pupils of the eyes.
Then, you can draw another oval for the mouth and then draw some lines around it for some extra detail.

Step 7: Now, draw some final details

You’re almost ready to move on to the final coloring step of this guide on how to draw an octopus! To finish off the details, simply draw some lines into the tentacles to create the bottom of the tentacles, then, use some dots or circles to create the little suction cups on the tentacles. Once you’ve finished these details, you can also add any that you would like! You could draw an ocean background and even add some more ocean life around the octopus. How will you finish off this picture before the final step?

Step 8: Finish off your octopus drawing with some color

For the final step of your octopus drawing, you can dive in with some coloring fun to bring it to life! An octopus can come in all manner of fantastic colors, so that gives you a lot of options when coloring your octopus. Did you know that some octopi can even change their color to create some camouflage for their environment? This is an image where you should let your creativity run wild.

You could even use several different colors throughout the octopus, and that might even look like it’s changing its colors for camouflage as we mentioned! You could also have some fun incorporating some creative art mediums.
If you don’t usually use certain mediums like acrylics and watercolor paints then it might be a good idea to use them for your octopus drawing!

5 Tips To Make Your Octopus Drawing Even Better!

You won’t need 8 hands to make this octopus sketch even more awesome! We created a really fun cartoon design for this octopus drawing. While we love the design, you could also change it up a bit to make it look more unique. One great way of doing this would be to make the octopus look more realistic. You could do this by changing just a few of the details on the design.
If you want to try this, you can find plenty of photos of real octopuses online to help you.

Octopuses are found under the sea along with many other incredible sea creatures. Adding some of these creatures would be a great way to make this drawing of an octopus even greater! These could be as small as seahorses or coral or as big as a giant shark or a whale. What creatures would you like to add? Whether you add more sea creatures or not, adding a background can be a fun way to make any drawing even better. The obvious choice would be to draw the ocean floor, but you don’t have to stick to that idea!

If you have any ideas for a background for this octopus sketch you should be sure to add it to make it even more fun
Another way to customize this drawing, even more, would be to add some smaller details on and around the octopus. These could include some spots on the octopus itself or maybe some bubbles surrounding it.

Those are just a few ideas, but you may be surprised how much even the smallest of details can enhance a drawing dramatically.
An octopus can come in many amazing colors, and some can even change their colors on the fly. That means that you could use any of your favorite colors for this drawing of an octopus! They could be as muted or as bright as you like, and you can also mix various art tools and mediums to bring the colors to life.

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