Cooking tips for comfee air fryer salmon recipe

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Ingredients for comfee air fryer salmon recipe

Very easy to make and breakfast was available.

Ingredients for comfee air fryersalmon recipe

Cut the salmon into chunks 200g and pepper to taste

Half a lemon juice salt to taste

Air fryer salmon preparation

Illustration of the preparation of air fryer salmon 1

Step 1

Refrigerate the salmon in advance and thaw.

Step 2

Melt the jelly, wash the salmon, peel it and blot dry with kitchen paper.

Step 3

Sprinkle with salt, pepper and half a lemon juice. Marinate for 15 minutes.

Step 4

Before placing in the comfee air fryer, blot the salmon again with a paper towel.

Step 5

Air fryer 180 degrees, 12 minutes. At the same time, you can also add broccoli or asparagus as a side dish.
