Print Fabric
One of the most traditional and unique methods of Indian fabric printing using block prints by hand, where artisans impress hand-carved wooden stamps print and dipped in dyes onto the cloth to reveal intricate boota, floral, booty and geometric designs. Our block print cotton fabric is printed with azo-free dyes on soft cambric cotton fabric. Beautifully Hand Block Printed Fabrics made with pure cotton is suitable to be put to use for almost anything.
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One of the most traditional and unique methods of Indian fabric printing using block prints by hand, where artisans impress hand-carved wooden stamps print and dipped in dyes onto the cloth to reveal intricate boota, floral, booty and geometric designs. Our block print cotton fabric is printed with azo-free dyes on soft cambric cotton fabric. Beautifully Hand Block Printed Fabrics made with pure cotton is suitable to be put to use for almost anything.
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