Block Print Fabric
Looking for stylish and eco-friendly tote bags? Look no further than Bagwalas! We offer a wide variety of tote bags to suit your needs, from plain cotton to designer styles. Our bags are made from 100% natural cotton and are perfect for carrying groceries, books, and more. They're durable and reusable, making them a great alternative to plastic bags. Shop Bagwalas today and start making a difference!
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Discover the perfect blend of style and utility with our curated collection of makeup bags at CraftJaipur. Handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, our makeup bags are designed to keep your beauty essentials organized in style. From vibrant prints to elegant motifs, each bag reflects the rich cultural heritage of Jaipur.
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One of the most traditional and unique methods of Indian fabric printing using block prints by hand, where artisans impress hand-carved wooden stamps print and dipped in dyes onto the cloth to reveal intricate boota, floral, booty and geometric designs. Our block print cotton fabric is printed with azo-free dyes on soft cambric cotton fabric. Beautifully Hand Block Printed Fabrics made with pure cotton is suitable to be put to use for almost anything.
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