The Ultimate Guide to Parquet Flooring in the UK

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Parquet flooring is a timeless and elegant choice for any home, offering both durability and aesthetic appeal.

Parquet flooring is a timeless and elegant choice for any home, offering both durability and aesthetic appeal. In the UK, parquet flooring has gained immense popularity due to its intricate designs and the luxurious touch it adds to interiors. This guide will explore everything you need to know about parquet flooring in the UK, from its types and benefits to installation and maintenance.

What is Parquet Flooring?

Parquet flooring is a type of wood flooring made up of small wooden blocks or strips arranged in distinct, often geometric patterns. Unlike traditional hardwood floors that run in parallel lines, parquet floors can be laid out in herringbone, chevron, basket weave, and other intricate patterns.

Types of Parquet Flooring

Solid Wood Parquet: This type is made from solid pieces of wood, offering a rich, natural look and feel. It's highly durable and can be sanded and refinished multiple times.

Engineered Wood Parquet: Engineered parquet consists of a top layer of real wood bonded to multiple layers of plywood or HDF (High-Density Fiberboard). This construction makes it more stable and less prone to expansion and contraction due to humidity changes.

Laminate Parquet: Laminate parquet flooring is made from synthetic materials designed to mimic the look of real wood. It's more affordable and easier to install, though it doesn't offer the same longevity as real wood options.

Benefits of Parquet Flooring

Aesthetic Appeal

Parquet flooring is known for its beauty and elegance. The geometric patterns create a visually striking effect, adding a sophisticated charm to any room. Whether you prefer the classic herringbone or the more elaborate Versailles pattern, parquet flooring can transform the ambiance of your home.


When properly maintained, parquet flooring can last for decades. Solid wood parquet, in particular, is exceptionally durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas such as hallways and living rooms.


solid wood flooring is available in a variety of wood species, including oak, walnut, maple, and more. This variety allows homeowners to choose a wood type that best complements their interior design and personal taste.

Easy Maintenance

Maintaining parquet flooring is relatively straightforward. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping with a damp cloth are usually sufficient to keep the floor looking its best. For more stubborn stains, specific wood floor cleaners can be used.

Installation Process of Parquet Flooring


Before installation, it is crucial to ensure that the subfloor is clean, dry, and level. Any imperfections in the subfloor can affect the appearance and durability of the parquet flooring.


Wood is a natural material that expands and contracts with changes in humidity and temperature. To prevent issues after installation, it is recommended to acclimate the parquet blocks to the room environment for several days.

Laying the Floor

The installation method depends on the type of parquet flooring chosen. Solid wood parquet is typically glued down, while engineered and laminate parquet can often be installed using a floating floor method.

  1. Planning the Layout: Determine the pattern and layout before starting the installation. This planning phase is critical for achieving the desired look.

  2. Applying Adhesive: For glue-down installations, apply a suitable adhesive to the subfloor using a notched trowel.

  3. Placing the Blocks: Carefully place each block or strip according to the chosen pattern, ensuring a snug fit.

  4. Finishing Touches: Once the entire floor is laid, allow the adhesive to dry completely. Sand and finish the floor as needed to achieve a smooth, polished surface.

Maintenance and Care for Parquet Flooring

Regular Cleaning

To maintain the beauty of wood flooring uk, regular cleaning is essential. Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove dust and debris. Use a damp mop for deeper cleaning, but avoid excessive water, which can damage the wood.

Preventing Damage

Place felt pads under furniture legs to prevent scratches. Use rugs or mats in high-traffic areas to protect the floor from wear and tear. Avoid wearing high heels or shoes with abrasive soles on parquet floors.


Over time, parquet floors may show signs of wear. Refinishing involves sanding down the top layer and applying a new finish. This process can restore the floor’s original beauty and extend its lifespan.

Choosing the Right Parquet Flooring for Your Home

Consider the Room

Different rooms have different requirements. For instance, high-traffic areas like hallways and kitchens need more durable flooring, while bedrooms and living rooms can prioritize aesthetics.

Wood Species

Each wood species has unique characteristics, including color, grain pattern, and hardness. Oak is a popular choice due to its durability and classic appearance, while walnut offers a rich, dark hue that adds warmth to a room.


Parquet flooring can range from affordable laminate options to high-end solid wood. Determine your budget beforehand to narrow down your choices without compromising on quality.

Trends in Parquet Flooring

Sustainable Choices

Eco-conscious consumers are increasingly opting for parquet flooring made from sustainably sourced wood. Many manufacturers offer products certified by organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Custom Designs

Bespoke parquet flooring allows homeowners to create unique patterns and designs tailored to their preferences. This trend has seen a rise in demand for personalized, handcrafted floors that reflect individual style.

Mixed Media

Combining parquet flooring with other materials such as stone or tiles creates a distinctive look. This approach can highlight certain areas of a room, adding a modern twist to traditional parquet designs.


Parquet flooring is a versatile and stylish option that can enhance the aesthetic and value of any home. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of herringbone or the intricate beauty of basket weave, parquet flooring offers a range of options to suit any taste and budget. By understanding the types, benefits, and installation processes, you can make an informed decision and enjoy the lasting beauty of parquet flooring in your UK home.
