Mohand Range is also known as the Chillawali range which is the home to a diverse range of wildlife, including several endangered species. The forested hills provide a habitat for leopards, Himalayan black bears, barking deer, sambar deer, wild boars, and langurs. The area is also home to over 100 species of birds, including the Himalayan monal, black francolin, and grey partridge. In addition to the animals, the forest is rich in plant life with several species of trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants. Beyond the thrill of spotting wildlife, Chillawali Jungle Safari also the other name of mohand range is a sensory feast. Breathe in the fresh air, a blend of damp earth, exotic flowers, and the musk of wild animals. Listen to the symphony of the jungle, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of crickets, and the distant calls of unseen creatures. Marvel at the natural beauty, towering trees that have stood for centuries, sun-dappled clearings, and gurgling streams that snake through the undergrowth.

Imagine exploring the wild side of India in a rugged jeep, navigating through the bumpy terrain of a vibrant reserve. A Mohand Jungle Safari booking is more than just a trip; it’s an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with memories for a lifetime. So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for an exciting adventure at Mohand or Chillawali Jungle Safari in the heart of the Indian wilderness! Just Contact us now with our Rajaji jungle safari website or simply call us for Mohand jungle safari with booking contact number : 09917606031, 07251819193, 07895912678 (this number belongs to safari operator and nature guide Beeru Negi).
