I just had these thoughts and have yet to bounce it off anyone, but wonder if this strikes a cord with anyone? Here goes....
We are more than conquerors because mere conquerors aren't in love. Selah
Where's the satisfaction in that?
There is none, so the thirsting of conquerors never stops.
Because "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us," (Rom 8:37) satisfaction is not in tyranny (conquering to conquer) but in love (more than a conqueror).
Also, we are more than conquerors "through Him who loved us," the Christ, and He gives us our victories as gifts and rewards that can never be shaken or taken from us. Unlike worldly leaders who conquer and ceaselessly watch over their lives and possessions for fear of another stronger or smarter snatching it away, we in Christ enjoy the peace of assurance that what victories God has given none can take away. Without the need to grasp and self-protect, we are free to love.
Amen & S E L A H

Friday Milupi
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