Get Reliable and Confidential Legal Paternity Tests at DNA Forensics Laboratory

A DNA Paternity Test for Court is done in the presence of the hearing judge or a court-appointed representative. These tests serve as evidence in several legal cases and must be accurate and reliable. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted name for legal paternity DNA tests in India. We offer accurate, dependable, and conclusive Legal Paternity Tests in India at competitive prices. We are the only private company that provides court-approved legal DNA tests in India. We have 400+ collection centres in India and abroad. One can visit your nearest collection centres and submit your DNA sample for testing. We provide Legal DNA Paternity Test reports within 4-5 working days. Call us at +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.

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Legal Paternity DNA Test in India | Paternity Test For Court

Legal Paternity DNA Test in India | Paternity Test For Court

DNA Forensics Laboratory Provides accurate & reliable Legal DNA Paternity Test in India. Call us at +91 8010177771 to book Paternity Test for Court.