24 میں - ترجمہ کریں۔

Pyraclostrobin: A Versatile Fungicide for Disease Management in Multiple Crops

Pyrachlostrobin is registered for use on a wide variety of agronomic, vegetable, and fruit crops globally. Some of its major applications include controlling gray leaf spot in corn, early blight and septoria leaf blotch in tomatoes, black sigatoka in bananas, pecan scab, powdery mildew in grapes, leaf rust and stripe rust in wheat, and pyricularia leaf spot in rice. It is frequently mixed with other fungicides that have different modes of action to provide season-long management of diseases and reduce the risk of resistance. Due to its positive agronomic profile and broad activity spectrum, Pyraclostrobin continues to play an integral role in integrated pest management programs on many crops.

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