28 में - अनुवाद करना

Why use #magento2 Table Rate Shipping #marketplace Add-on?

In the marketplace, it is very tedious to #manage the shipping based on the vendor #location, the weight of the product, and the #customers destination. But now this problem is solved by the Magento 2 Table Rate #shipping Marketplace #extension. The sellers will be able to create different shipping rules that will be used for the price calculation according to the #table #rates.

Visit - https://store.webkul.com/magen....to2-multi-vendor-tab

Magento 2 Marketplace Table Rate Shipping | Multi Vendor freight Module - WebKul

Magento 2 Marketplace Table Rate Shipping | Multi Vendor freight Module - WebKul

Magento 2 Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module is used to allow the seller/vendor to add the shipping rates through the CSV files from their end.