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Rajat Khare is the visionary leader behind Boundary Holding, an investment firm specializing in groundbreaking deep-tech startups. With a mission to address pressing global issues, Rajat focuses on supporting companies that offer innovative medical and clean technology solutions. Through his strategic guidance, Boundary Holding has amassed a portfolio of over 30 investments, each contributing to the advancement of society. Rajat's dedication to driving positive change through technology is evident in every aspect of his work. Know more: https://www.boundaryholding.com/rajat-khare/


Rajat Khare- Founder boundary Holding

Rajat Khare- Founder boundary Holding

Founder of Boundary Holding, Rajat Khare an entrepreneur and IIT Delhi alumnus, and is known for co-authoring the book “Make The Move – Demystifying Entrepreneurship". Know more.