Find Your Perfect Hygiene Partner at Lizzom's Sanitary Pads Online Shop in the UAE
€42.00 (EUR)
Looking for Organic Panty Liners? LiZZOM’s liners are easy on the skin and the environment. No more irritation and more comfort all the way. Join us today for an eco-friendly period journey! You can also get a discount on sanitary pads and liners!
Al Barsha Al Barsha South Dubai United Arab Emirates· Persediaan· Baru
Sanitary Pads: How Often Should You Change Them?
$0.01 (USD)
Do you find yourself wondering how often you are supposed to change your pad? It is an issue that concerns women, and understanding the right answer is essential for your comfort and health. Let's break it down: Every 4-6 Hours: It’s advisable to wear a new pad every 4-6 hours even if it is not fully stained. This has the advantage of keeping foods fresh and free from spoiling or developing bad smell. On the other hand, if you are on the higher side as per the number of pads you use in a day, then you may require the change more often. Pay Attention to Flow: You should change your pad after how often depends on your menstrual flow and how it impacts the absorbency of the pad. During days when you experience heavier flow, it could be advisable to change as often as possible to avoid adverse effects such as leakage and discomfort. Listen to your body cues and adapt them throughout the day. Nighttime Protection: During the night prefer a pad that is thicker and more absorbent so that the pads will offer proper protection for the night. It’s wise to change your pad before going to bed and also in the morning to make sure it is not dirty and to avoid leaking. Postpartum and Heavy Flow: During such instances as after childbirth or when on your period and having heavy blood flow, you might have to change the pad after every 2-3 hours. It is crucial to check the flow of the liquid and alter as required to avoid seepage and maintain cleanliness. Hygiene First: But most importantly, remember, that it’s important to be clean during your period. To be sure that no bacteria is being transferred, make it a practice to wash your hands before and after putting on a new pad. On the use of pads, one must dispose it properly in a sanitary bin once it is no longer useful. Comfort is Key: Listen to your body and eat in a way that makes common sense. If you feel wet or uncomfortable which may be as early as three hours, then it is high time to change your pad. Don’t wait for this to be fully soaked which can lead to leaking as well as skin rashes. Choose the Right Pad: Choosing the right pad that will suit your flow and lifestyle is very crucial. Our organic bamboo and corn pads will provide a better absorption and comfort thus keeping you comfortable all day long and less worried about any leaking. However, by considering the above general measurements and your body signals, you can be assured to change your sanitary pad as often as needed in order to be comfortable and clean. Be alert, always carry your essentials and take good care of yourself throughout your period.