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From Past to Present: The Transformation of Childbirth and Parenthood

In this video, I present a glimpse into the history of childbirth as portrayed in paintings, sculptures, and manuscripts. Starting with Venus of Willendorf, a female figurine crafted some 25,000 years ago, I continue discussing the Egyptian legacy—marked by childbirth hieroglyphs and texts providing insights into midwifery practices.Additionally, I present a theory that reinterprets the famous "Curse of Eve," challenging its traditional meaning. My story will take you through various epochs, including Ancient Greece, Rome, the Medieval era, the Renaissance, and the contemporary age.If you're someone who's just curious about human birth—whether you're already a parent, about to join the club, or just find the whole process fascinating—this video is like a treasure trove. It's packed with all sorts of examples that show you how childbirth has changed and evolved over, like, forever.

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