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Skill Games and Matches

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Start date
24-07-24 - 00:00


End date
25-07-24 - 00:00

Each player has a fixed amount of Training XP. By completing a player's Training XP meter, you can opt to enhance their OVR and attributes. You can use players in the same position group as Training XP. Your player can then level up after that.
FC 25 coins serve as a virtual currency within the game. Players can use FC 25 coins to buy in-game items such as player packs, consumables, and other virtual. so you can buy FC FUT Coins at
Skill Games and Matches

With each finished Skill Game or Match, XP is awarded. To rapidly improve, you must participate in various skill games and tournaments. These opportunities abound in regular seasonal tournaments and daily events like Daily Training and League Tour.